315th Bomb Wing

The following is from the 315th Bomb Wing (VH) history book. It was researched and written by Major Ralph Swann as partial fulfillment of his requirements for graduation from the US Air Force Command and Staff College. It is "Adapted from Air Command and Staff Research Report 862460 entitled A Unit History of the 315th Bomb Wing, 1944-1946."

The text from the history book is quite large and has pictures included. In order to make the pages load in a fairly timely fashion, I have broken it up into sections. Use the table below to either step through the sections or to jump directly to a particular section.

Section 1 - Introduction and The Aircraft
Section 2 - Organization and Training
Section 3 - The Service Groups
Section 4 - The Pacific Theater
Section 5 - Operations
Section 6 - The War is Over
Section 7 - Conclusion

Please bear with me, there is a lot of data and photos and I am getting to them as fast as I can. Rather than hold back on publication of this web page until it is complete, I wanted to make information available as soon as possible. In other words, this site is still under construction.
Content ©2003-2004, Larry Miller
ljmiller at charter dot net
September 14, 2004